Women Veterans

Contact Information

Become a WVAC Member!

Additional Information

The mission of the WDVA Women Veterans Advisory Committee shall be to ensure that Washington's women veterans have equitable access to federal and state veterans' services and benefits.

  1. Connect women to their identity as veterans
  2. Change the public perception of what veterans look like
  3. Connect women veterans to benefits
  4. Connect women veterans to community

Call us and let us connect you.

The committee provides assistance to women who served in the United States Armed Forces or in forces incorporated as part of the United States Armed Forces. 


Don’t Miss the WVAC Quarterly Lunch & Learn with MaxineJane Frazier!

We are thrilled to welcome MaxineJane Frazier, U.S. Air Force Veteran and Author, for a captivating session on:

Pint-Sized Stories in a Flash

Date: February 26, 2025 

Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Access the virtual meeting here:  WVAC Lunch and Learn

For any questions, please reach out to us at womenveterans@dva.wa.gov



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WVAC Members