Governor's Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee (VAAC)

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Sue LaVoie


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Appointed VAAC Members

Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee --created--membership--terms--powers & duties RCW 43.60A.080

Governor's Boards and Commissions Application

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Washington State Outstanding Award For Service to Veterans

Washington State Outstanding Award For Service to Veterans

You know who they are volunteers, service officers, community members, Tribal Veterans programs and advocates, National Guard members or others who day in and day out go above and beyond the call of duty making sure veterans and their family members are cared for. Whether they submit claims for benefits, arrange funeral honors for grieving families, coordinate events or donate countless hours in veterans hospitals or nursing homes, here is your chance to nominate them for one of seven Outstanding Service to Veterans Awards.

You can nominate individuals for Outstanding Service to Veterans Awards in the following categories:

 Superior Award - This award is the Committee's highest honor and is given to recognize clearly superior accomplishments, achievements and outstanding performance.

• Distinguished Service Award - This award is used to recognize significant accomplishments and special contributions.

• Team Award - This award is designed to recognize significant accomplishments of a team or group of individuals. This may be for their contributions on a special project, special contribution and outstanding performance.

2024 Award Winners will receive their awards on Nov. 9, 2024 

What is the VAAC?

The Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee (VAAC) is a seventeen member committee appointed by the Governor.  Each member is appointed to a term of four years.  Veterans are recommended for appointment to the VAAC by the leadership of nationally recognized Veteran Service Organizations active in Washington State, and two members are appointed as veterans at large.

The VAAC Operates with the motto of No Veteran Forgotten, and serves in an advisory capacity to the Governor and the Director of the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Nominations Open for Outstanding Service to Veterans Awards! 

Town Hall Meetings

VAAC Members divide into small groups and plan Town Hall meetings in locations across the state.

Town Hall meetings serve two purposes:

1) To provide a forum for veterans and their families to learn about the services and resources available in their own communities.
2) To educate VAAC members on issues that are important to veterans and their families across the state so that the VAAC can share this information with the WDVA Director and the Governor.

Upcoming VAAC Town Hall Meetings

April 23, 2025 - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Information coming soon.

Questions? Contact

July 23, 2025 - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Information coming soon.

Questions? Contact

October 22, 2025 - 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Information coming soon.

Questions? Contact

Previous Meeting Minutes: